Person drawing with sparkling light symbol of infinity

Craig Khan


Person drawing with sparkling light symbol of infinity
Halftone spiral circle

Conscious Shift Coaching

With my guidance in the bespoke mentorship program ‘Conscious Shift’ we co-create a partnership so you can live in a flow state that is void of the blockages you may be experiencing that cause stress, anxiety, lack of progress and development.

At the end of our time together you will have evolved the way you think, feel and behave in your relationship to self and others with a more grounded approach to your personal and professional life.

The strategies I assist you in implementing contain a potent combination of

Hypnotherapy, CBT, Qi Gong, Sound frequency alchemy, shamanism and a light touch of Neuropsychology that all combine into what I've termed;

‘Conscious Shifting’, Together we transform from darkness to light.

Book your free strategy call below to see how I can assist you making incredible improvements in your life

Booking Portal

Person drawing with sparkling light symbol of infinity


Emotional Audio Resonance Soundfiles

E.A.R.S is the next generation of sound healing to reprogram the body and mind back in to balance. Bio resonance frequencies that are ascociated with over 150,000 physical and mental health conditions are chosen then combined with a sound track of your choosing and positive affirmations relating to recovery from whatever is it you suffer from. I then dynamically merge the three elements to create a soundtrack for your full recovery.

You choose it, I mix it & you listen to it for a prescribed amount of time and regularity depending on the severity.

Most clients report a significant change within two to three listens and the changes become more profound and deeper the longer you use it for.

Person drawing with sparkling light symbol of infinity

What they say about me

Craig!! You truly are magical! I am so fortunate to have you in my life!

Deborah Twiss, Film Director, Producer & Actress.

In love and appreciation of you all and especially Craig Khan for leading the way! I appreciate your kindness, compassion and inspiration ❤️

Claire Casely, podcast host, commenting on the Power of 8 Mastermind Manifestation group.

Pure AWESOMENESS! Thank you Craig!

Danny Greene, Psychic healer, Podcast host and Youtuber